About Monarch

Quality Mission Statement

The Monarch Company, LLC is devoted to operational excellence by creating and developing products that reduce injuries for healthcare providers. The Monarch Company is committed to ensure our products are made with the highest quality manufacturing processes and systems by continual improvement and effectiveness of processes. The Monarch Company is committed to comply with the domestic and international regulations and continually improve the effectiveness of the quality management systems. We will strive daily for the highest levels of quality, providing the safest products to healthcare providers, and unsurpassed customer satisfaction.

More about Monarch

The Monarch Blood Collection Set was created and designed to provide the safest device to all clinicians who perform blood draws. We also want to prevent injuries downstream that include other clinical team members, EVS, and laundry workers.


The National Library of Medicine states that one of the factors that increase the risk of exposure to bodily fluids is using needles or other sharp devices that lack safety features. The Monarch Blood Collection Set is the only device that completed protects user from the needle sharp once it has been fully retracted.


Hollow-bore needles and other devices associated with percutaneous injuries in NaSH hospitals, by % total percutaneous injuries (n=4,951), June 1995-July 1999. (Source: CDC [1999].)

What Characteristics did we take into account when creating The Monarch?

Desirable Characteristics of Devices with Safety Features

  • The safety feature is an integral part of the device.
  • If user activation is necessary, the safety feature can be engaged with a single-handed technique and allows the worker’s hands to remain behind the exposed sharp.
  • The user can easily tell whether the safety feature is activated.
  • The safety feature cannot be deacti- vated and remains protective through disposal.
  • The device performs reliably.
  • The device is easy to use and practical.
  • The device is safe and effective for patient care.

What is the cost?

The exposure risk of needlestick injuries is far greater than is commonly reported. While Aids, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C are amongst the more severe diseases that can be contracted via sharps penetration, there are in fact more than 60 bloodborne pathogens that can be contracted as a result of a sharps injury.

In the US, the estimated cost of a single Needlestick Injury (NSI) treatment ranges between US$500 to US$4,000 (note: as of September 2022, the average cost of a single sharps injury is $4,352 based on inflation-adjusted research).1,4 Leveraging these costs, the annual economic burden of NSIs in the US was estimated to be between US$118 million to US$591 million (based on national occurrence of 236,000 cases)2 For the more serious cases, however, the costs can far exceed the average. According to the American Hospital Association, one case of serious infection by bloodborne pathogens can cost US$1 million or more in expenditures for testing, follow up tests, lost time and disability payments. (https://www.danielshealth.com/knowledge-center/cost-needlestick-injury#:~:text=In%20the%20US%2C%20the%20estimated%20cost%20of%20a,however%2C%20the%20costs%20can%20far%20exceed%20the%20average.)